Artikelnummer: JOHRR80008

RCBS GESCHOßFETT PISTOLE #80008RCBS® Bullet Lubricant fits the Lube-A-Matic® and most other sizers/lubricators that use a hollow stick lubricant. It’s a non-toxic, temperature-resistant blend ...

10,00 €/VPE od. Stück
Gewicht: 0.05 kg

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RCBS® Bullet Lubricant fits the Lube-A-Matic® and most other sizers/lubricators that use a hollow stick lubricant. It’s a non-toxic, temperature-resistant blend of Alox and beeswax, developed in cooperation with top-rated competition cast-bullet shooters and formulated to NRA specifications. Note: Rifle Bullet Lubricant is for outdoor use only.

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